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Town Clerk

February 1 2024 - Hanksville Town Council

The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 1st day of February 2024 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m. 

Present:  Mayor Jeffren T. Pei, C. Morgan Roberts, C. Mona Wells and C. Robert Gilner

Absent:  C. Eric Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells 

Public in Attendance: Doug Roberts, Katie Roberts, Brock Chappell with Six County AOG

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Prayer: C. Morgan Roberts

Roll Call:  Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Motion to approve minutes of January council meeting: C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Mona Wells.  Aye: All in attendance.

Council member Mona Wells:

Met with Six County AOG regarding a possible grant for improvements at the gun range.

Council member Morgan Roberts: 

Nothing to report. 

 Council member Eric Wells: 


Council member Robert Gilner:

Nothing to report.  UDOT bridge on the old highway 25 north of town was discussed.

Mayor Jeffren Pei:

 TASK force training in CO that the mayor would like to attend.  He wants to split the cost with the town; he will pay half and the town will pay the other half.  There is also training in SLC and 2 training courses in May; he will pay for that training.

Clerk Lisa Wells: 

  • Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

  • Motion to approve bills for payment – C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Robert Gilner.  Aye: All in attendance.

Planning Commission

Katie Roberts – Asked the council about their thoughts on setbacks; should they be changed due to the smaller lot size?  The council discussed leaving them the same.  The sewer and water ordinances are the main things left to finish reviewing before they can hold a public hearing.  They are hoping to accomplish that in March.  They have changed the wording on the planning commission ordinance to say “at least 5 members” instead of currently 5 members.

Tabled Business: 

Discussion regarding the EMS building and the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Wayne County and Hanksville regarding the emergency medical services.  In the agreement Section 2 -J it says, “to provide for housing of ambulances located in the Hanksville Town, whether in Wayne County owned facilities or leased facilities.”  Currently there is no lease agreement regarding the building, historically, Wayne County has always paid the utility service of Garkane Power.  The clerk sent an email to the Wayne County attorney requesting clarification on any official lease but hasn’t heard back yet from the attorney.  The mayor asked the council to consider charging the county to lease the building, and the council agreed that there needs to be more discussion with Wayne County regarding Hanksville’s EMS building.  The clerk also has the documents to verify the EMS call outs for 2020 – 2022 and the 3 year average for each community and was able to verify that the number was accurate as the EMS call outs within the Hanksville town boundary.  The fees are due by March 1 of $11,586 for Hanksville’s allocation.  The fees will be recalculated each year by looking back to the previous year EMS calls within Hanksville.

New Business  

Brock Jackson with Associated County of Government gave an update on items for the council to be aware of. 

  • Survey for CDBG grant needs to be filled out.

  • 3 projects that Hanksville is ready to move forward with on the CIB to be considered for funding.

  • Regional Growth Summit – May 21, 2024, Governor Cox will be attending.  

  • Hazard mitigation plan – make sure Hanksville has one in place to be eligible for Federal funding in case of a natural disaster.

  • B&C road funding has been increased for municipalities.

  • Broadband initiative.

  • Safe Routes to School Grant FY 2026 has not been approved yet.

  • Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant

  • Privacy Policy Statement – needs to be on the town website to comply.\

Motion to approve resolution #24-01 Municipal Wastewater Planning Program: C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Mona Wells.  Aye: All in attendance.

Public Comment:


MOTION TO ADJOURN:  C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Mona Wells.  Aye: All in attendance - meeting adjourned at 7:00pm   



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