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Town Council
Hanksville Town is proud to have a dedicated group of volunteers that act on its behalf. The Mayor, along with the Town Council members, work together to ensure that Hanksville is a thriving community. They make decisions that impact Hanksville's future and work hard to maintain the town's high standards. Hanksville Town is grateful to have such committed representatives who are always acting in the best interest of the town. Thank you, Mayor and Town Council members, for your service!
Town Mayor | Jeffren T. Pei | |
Town Council Member | Eric Wells | |
Town Council Member | Mona Wells | |
Town Council Member | Morgan Stephens | |
Town Council Member | Robert Gilner | |
Town Maintenance Manager | Eric Wells | |
Town Treasurer | Jessica Alvey | |
Town Clerk | Lisa Wells | |
Planning and Zoning | Planning and Zoning Committee | |
Recent Town Council Meeting Minutes
Hanksville Town Council meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of every month at 6pm. Check our calendar for any updates to this schedule.​
Hanksville Town Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday 10am - 2pm​

Hanksville Town is a member of the Rural Water Association and the Utah League of Cities and Towns.
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