The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 6th day of July 2023 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei and C. Morgan Roberts,
Absent: C. Mona Wells, C. Tanesha Conder, C. Eric Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells
Public in Attendance: NONE
Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Prayer: C. Morgan Roberts
Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: No motion – quorum not present.
Since there were only 2 members of Hanksville Town Council present there were no motions made. The minutes and bills will have to be approved at the next council meeting.
Council member Mona Wells:
Council member Tanesha Conder:
Council member Morgan Roberts:
The 4th of July events were a success. For next year – keep horseshoe event early in the day, another water slide needed for the younger kids, over-all everything went well.
Council member Eric Wells:
Mayor Jeffren Pei:
The first response truck blew the motor, and it is at Jorgensen’s and the cost is being covered by taxes through Wayne County Fire Tax.
Treasurer Jessica Alvey: ABSENT
Clerk Lisa Wells:
Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
Motion to approve bills for payment – No approval – quorum not present.
Planning Commission: None present.
Tabled Business: NONE
New Business and Public Comment:
No public in attendance
MOTION TO ADJOURN: No motion – quorum not present - meeting adjourned at 6:30pm