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May 5th 2022 - Hanksville Town Council

The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 5th day of May, 2022 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Eric Wells, C. Mona Wells, C. Morgan Stephens, and C. Tanesha Conder

Absent: Clerk Lisa Wells

Employees: Treasurer Jessica Alvey

Public in Attendance: Joe Caligiuri, Dane ?, Chris Hoggatt, Stetson & Terralyn Labrum, and Devin Rios

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Prayer: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren T. Pei

Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: C. Eric Wells; Second C. Tanesha Conder Aye: All in attendance

Motion to adjust the order of the agenda C. Morgan Stephens; Second C. Tanesha Conder

Planning Commission: Devin Rios, P&Z Liaison – The planning commission is working toward completing the General Plan and they are at a point that the commission would like input and are requesting the council attend their next meeting to give input to the planning commission. The planning commission is changing their meeting schedule to weekly in the summer months to help the town out and finish the items they are working on more quickly.

The mayor’s recommendation to Mr. Rios is the commission can bring rough drafts to council meeting to get their input, or work directly with C. Morgan Stephens for decisions as she has been attending the planning commission meetings.

New Business and Public Comment:

Stetson and Terralyn Labrum – new sewer and water hook-up request – They would like to put a house on Chris and Kathryn Hoggatt’s property on 400 S. Center St. Council discussed this and determined the Chris and Kathryn will have to submit the application for a second sewer and water connection; there will be an impact fee, new connection fee for sewer and water, plus the cost of materials for both utilities. Each separate building on a person’s property must have a separate water meter.

Joe Caliguiri would like to purchase bulk water; mayor told him to contact the clerk’s office. Council discussed purchasing a second meter for bulk water sales as there has been a need for this in the past.

C. Tanesha Conder has talked with several concerned citizens and they would like to reduce the speed limit on highway 24 through town from 40mph to 30mph. Council said this had been approved before but it still needs approval from UDOT. Mayor has been in contact with UDOT and will follow up on this.

Report of officers:

Council member Mona Wells:

Nothing to report – Mayor gave her the application for the gun range grant which is due by June 15. He has worked on it last year and would like C. Mona Wells to go over the application and give input and get this ready to submit.

Council member Tanesha Conder:

Nothing to report – She has been looking for grants for rodeo equipment. C. Conder is willing to collect funds for the fireworks from all the businesses.

Council member Morgan Stephens:

An excel spreadsheet has been sent to the clerk and C. Stephens has reviewed the previous costs for the buildings. The mayor has a concern regarding the electric bill at the old church; it was $346 and he is wondering if that is normal for the building and what the use has been of the building; maintenance will check on the thermostat of the building. Also, security lights need to be repaired at the firehouse.

Council member Eric Wells:

Meters and the ability to read them; maintenance is in the process of buying new radio read meters, in the past it was going to be a collection system by driving by each to meter and this process was cheaper than the other meter reading option. But Peterson Plumbing came and met with Maintenance and they now have a new cellular antenna that is a one-time purchase, not a monthly fee, and every device with a new Zenner meter and antenna is $300. This new system is an easier meter collection for maintenance and an easy access for the clerk. Maintenance will no longer spend hours collecting the readings, they will generate automatically to the clerk. For the consumer, there is an app that you can actually monitor your own meter and it will update every hour. The price difference, they calculated the original system was going to cost around $20,000 to upgrade all of the meters and this new system will cost around $24,000. This won’t be purchased in one chunk but will be a pay as we go. C. Eric Wells would like to purchase one new meter and antenna a month and install them as they are purchased. These systems useful life is about 20 years, it’s a very low maintenance system and easy to hook-up. With every new connection the consumer will pay for this upfront going forward.

A new fire hydrant is needed at the Muddy Creek Mining property because the current is too low and needs to be extended and the hydrant is too old to get parts. The town has 2 hydrants in-stock but they are old also and Peterson Plumbing is considering a trade for the 2 hydrants and provide 1 hydrant that is the correct height. Nielson Construction needs bulk water for a project they will be starting soon; they need the price/gallon.

The sewer pond is continuing to struggle.

Mayor Jeffren Pei:

Next week Neilson Construction will be mobilizing equipment for the roads project and they will stage the equipment at the town park. They will use 100 East, 80 South and 100 West roadside to park equipment while the project is in construction. The project has reduced some crack sealing to trade for asphalt on 80 South, if they have any extra from their UDOT project it will be put on the road past the firehouse.

The town will install a pipe for the open canal ditch in front of the town housing and by Fern Hunt and she will pay for the cost of the pipe. The mayor would like to purchase sidewalk forms before the end of this fiscal year so the town has the ability to pour sidewalk each year. Maintenance will see how far 10yrds of cement will go to see the length of forms needed.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:

Encouraged all council members to go over their budgets and coming up with numbers for next FY. So, any project that you want to do, make sure you think about the project ahead of time and budget for it. The mayor would like to pull the liquor tax that is going to the county and put that in a public safety fund for the town of Hanksville.

Clerk Lisa Wells: ABSENT

· Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

· Motion to approve bills for payment C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Stephens Aye: All in attendance.

Tabled Business: NONE

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Morgan Stephens; Second C. Mona Wells Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 6:52pm


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