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December 2nd, 2021 - Hanksville Town Council


The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its public hearing and regular session on the 2nd day of December, 2021 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Jeffren Pei, C. Mary Devonshire, C. Chylene Whipple and C. Mona Wells

Absent: C. Eric Wells and Treasurer Jessica Alvey

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells

Public in Attendance: Sandy Wells, Dennis Lierd, Charity and Jared Jackson, Sue Fivecoat, Stew Baker with American Legion Post 92, and Brennan Rees – Ensign Engineering

Meeting to Order: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Pledge: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Prayer: Lisa Wells

Roll Call: Mayor Jeffren Pei

Motion to approve minutes of previous council meeting: C. Mary Devonshire; Second C. Mona Wells Aye: All in attendance

Report of officers:

Council member Mona Wells:

Nothing to report

Council member Chylene Whipple:

The cross-walk lights need to be adjusted and the cross walk needs to be painted.

Council discussed the Christmas Tree lighting set for December 6th, everything has been assigned.

C. Chylene Whipple wants the record to show that she does not support the location for the veteran’s memorial if placed at the town property by the Affordable Housing units because there is no parking.

Council member Mary Devonshire:

C. Devonshire will continue to look for grants in this last month of her service as council person.

Council member Eric Wells:


Mayor Jeffren Pei:

Mayor is waiving the rent for Anthony Jones for December at the Affordable Housing apartment #6 due to Anthony contracting Covid and in the hospital, he has been out of work for 3 weeks.

The dump trailer has been purchased and maintenance has permission to use the rip rap from the pit across from the ice house on highway 24 to fill in the crossing of Bull Creek by Ernie Robinson’s. Maintenance will look for sidewalk forms, the mayor is waiting for UDOT to do sidewalk on our own on SR24. He would like to start at the grocery store to the post office on the south side of the road. He would also like to add in street lamps. UDOT will be installing a jersey barrier at Bull Creek on SR24. Maintenance will continue to clean up flood debris on the roads.

NRCS will be in Hanksville on December 9th to meet with the Mayor and Eric to go through the project funding with them regarding Bull Creek and the dyke south of town to mitigate how the flood presented itself at that crossing. They will also discuss where the Fremont River is cutting closer toward locust lane since the flood. The benefit package that Emergency Water Protection Fund has put in with the County back in October and so the mayor said we qualify for that. Hopefully when the money gets here earl next year, we will use that for this project.

Make it known that if there is any dirt or concrete debris from construction, the town would like to send it over the bank at Locust Lane where it is eating out the bank, until a permanent solution can be found.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:


Clerk Lisa Wells:

· Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)

· Motion to approve bills for payment C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Mona Wells Aye: All in attendance.

· ARPA money matching funds application has a few preliminary questions that need answered before that application is approved. The original application was missing some details about the sewer lagoon repairs due to the need of planning grant that would outline the project scope and cost.

· Stew Baker with American Legion Post 92 presented the mayor and town council with a check for $1000 to be used for the Veteran’s Memorial. This money was raised at a breakfast here in town that collected funds for this project.

Tabled items: Council discussed the request from Sue Fivecoat to honor the letter she received in regards to 2 shares from Hanksville Culinary Water System that she owns as outlined in Ordinance #2000-4 and the stock audit dated 3/16/2000. Council agreed that the ordinance did not place a time deadline and so council agreed to waive the fee for 2 water connection fees and 2 impact fees on Lot 5 & 6 in Plat “A” amended Hanksville First Addition. Sue owns both of these lots. Her house is on lot #5 and her son, Drue, will own lot #6 and she will talk to him about getting the water to this lot. The clerk will issue a credit on Sue’s current account for 280 E 80 S for the water connection and impact fee.

New Business and Public Comment

Brennan Rees – Ensign Engineering has the preliminary design of the road project completed with an updated estimate of the cost. (Note: See estimate attached to the minutes.) Ensign will reach out to some contractors and also advertise it in the paper on January 5, 12 & 19th in 2022, the job will be bid electronically the Qwest CDN. After the bid closes, they will compare bids to the budget of the project and see if adjustments will be needed. Then time will be needed for the contractor to get bonds in place for the job. After the paperwork is complete, Ensign will schedule a closing meeting with CIB and Chamberlain’s office somewhere around the end of February. The project should be ready to begin when it warms up in the spring of 2022. The project is funded by CIB grant of $451,000 and $100,000 in loan.

C. Mona Wells – Has talked to several people regarding Hanksville’s dog ordinance. She has had Lee Cartmell volunteer to catch nuisance dogs or any animal. He is willing to donate his time and gas too. Council discussed if the town can just do that or does the position have to be advertised as dog catcher position for the town. Council discussed this new position is not in the budget so there aren’t funds to hire someone. C. Mona Wells is wondering if the town would be willing to buy the equipment needed for a dog catcher and then allow Mr. Cartmell to donate his time. C. Mona’s understanding from the Sheriff’s department is they will take care of vicious dogs and anything other than that, we as a town will take care of ourselves. No decisions were made and the council tabled the issue.

Dennis Lierd – spokesperson for Triple R Management principal owners is: Sara Bradbury, Chevaun Black, and Jodi Lierd – this company has purchased 160 acres south of Hanksville Park and would like to annex that into town. Triple R has also purchased 28 acres northeast of town, this property boarders the town boundary as well and they would like to annex that into the town as well. The intentions of this company are to develop these properties for businesses and also subdivide some property into smaller parcels to sell for housing for year-round residency or for temporary get-away properties. Mr. Lierd feels this company will benefit Hanksville and they will be actively promoting these properties to outside businesses. The council and public had discussion on the process of annexation.

The Planning commission has not been meeting and it needs to be active in this process. The clerk will invite the current members of the planning commission to next council meeting in January. (NOTE: as per the minutes from April 16, 2020 council meeting the council appointed: Mary Devonshire, Lane Sorenson, and Jeanette Pei to serve with Jared & Shyann Alvey who have been previously appointed. In the next council meeting May 2020 – Mary Devonshire was appointed to the vacant council seat instead of the planning commission because she had submitted her application along with Brittani Sorenson, for a vacant council seat. Brittani was voted in by the council at the April 2020 meeting but prior to the next council meeting she declined the position so the council accepted the application to the council from Mary Devonshire. So currently there are only 4 members appointed to the planning commission but they have never held a meeting.)

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Mona Wells Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 7:30pm


Town Office:
PO Box 127
30 South Hwy. 95
Hanksville, UT 84734


Tue - Thur 10am - 2pm

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