The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 9th day of November 2023 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.
Present: C. Mona Wells, C. Eric Wells, C. Tanesha Conder and C. Morgan Roberts
Absent: Treasurer Jessica Alvey and Mayor Jeffren T. Pei
Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells
Public in Attendance: Katie Roberts and Doug Roberts
Meeting to Order: C. Eric Wells
Pledge: C. Eric Wells
Prayer: C. Mona Wells
Roll Call: C. Eric Wells
Motion to approve minutes of October 2023 council meetings: C. Mona Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts. Aye: All in attendance.
Council member Mona Wells:
Nothing to report.
Council member Tanesha Conder:
Nothing to report. C. Eric Wells said the park has been winterized. He also discussed the recent Rodeo fundraising event on the solar eclipse and his intent to use the funds to purchase a new PA sound system and next will be return panels for roping steers.
Council member Morgan Roberts:
Nothing to report.
Council member Eric Wells:
Eric received an email from the state regarding a lead and copper test that was missed that was due in the 3rd quarter 2023 but Eric investigated that and on the website it showed Hanksville wasn’t due to send in a lead and copper sample until 2025. The samples are due every 3 years and since the error on the website of the due date the state will not issue any fines or points against the town water system. They extended the due date of the next lead and copper sample until 2024.
The council discussed the success of the solar eclipse events, Eric mentioned that the town infrastructure was able to handle the influx of people. All events were well attended, and several businesses had record-breaking gross income for the weekend.
Mayor Jeffren Pei:
Clerk Lisa Wells:
Bills presented to council for approval (spreadsheet attached)
Motion to approve bills for payment – C. Morgan Roberts; Second C. Eric Wells. Aye: All in attendance.
Planning Commission:
The next planning commission meeting is Tuesday, December 12th if any council member can attend. Dennis Ekker requested to be on the agenda for the next planning commission meeting. Katie suggested that the town keep a copy of all building permits issues along with the building plans presented to the planning commission. This will allow the mayor to check on the actual building and make sure it is in compliance with the ordinance.
Tabled Business:
New Business
The council discussed the recent bid opening for the new wastewater treatment upgrade. Daniel Hawley, Jones & DeMille, contacted the clerk’s office regarding the funding. He received an email from George Meados with DEQ outlining that the project was over the budget they approved, and we have been discussing how to close the gap on the funding. Part of this gap is the requirement to pay back the planning advance which we didn’t anticipate, we thought it was a hardship grant. Daniel has tentatively put Hanksville on the DWQ board agenda for December 13th to request additional funding. The mayor will need to attend that meeting to request and increase, Jones & DeMille recommends requesting an increase of principal forgiveness amount.
The following was read to the council:
Hanksville Town Resolution #23-02 “A resolution authorizing the issuance and confirming the sale of wastewater revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $700,000 (the “bonds”) of Hanksville Town, Wayne County, Utah (the “Issuer”), calling a public hearing and establishing a time, place and location for said public hearing to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of bonds and any potential economic impact to the private sector from the construction of the project to be funded by the bonds; providing for a pledge of wastewater revenues for the payment of the bonds; fixing the maximum principal amount of the bonds; the maximum number of years over which the bonds may mature, the maximum interest rate which the bonds may bear, and the maximum discount from par at which the bonds my be sold; providing for the running of a contest period; and related matters.”
MOTION TO ADOPT HANKSVILLE TOWN RESOLUTION #23-02 regarding the issuance and confirming the sale of wastewater revenue bonds as read – C. Eric Wells; Second C. Morgan Roberts. Aye: Council members – Eric Wells, Mona Wells, Morgan Roberts and Tanesha Conder. Nay – None, Absent – Mayor Jeffren T. Pei.
Rate increase for wastewater to all customers as proposed by DEQ to qualify for funding for the sewer lagoons. The current rate is $15.50 and will be raised to $31.00 if adopted by the council. There will be a public hearing in December for the public to give comments and a notice will be mailed to all utility customers that outlines the rate increase and also how and when they can give input regarding this rate increase. The council discussed that this is a 100% increase that might be difficult for some people. The rate has been at $15.50 for 30 years with no increase over that time and to pay the loan for this current project will probably need additional revenue.
Public Comment:
MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Morgan Roberts; Second Eric Wells. Aye: All in attendance - meeting adjourned at 6:45pm